Discover Nights 6-7:15 pm, beginning January 8, 2025!
Adult studies - to be announced (Fellowship Hall)
BLAST Kids for K-6th grade (FLC)
ALC YTH Program (Sanctuary)
Preschool & Toddler classes available
Christmas Service
December 24th - Christmas Eve service at 4pm. No Childcare.
24 hour Prayer Room - January 10-11, 2025, we will have a 24 hour prayer room. There will be 1 hour time slots and a sign up sheet in the foyer.
Raising Arrows Sled & Skate @ Side Lake - Sunday, January 12th from 1:30-4:30pm
Raising Arrows Nerf Gun War & Potluck - Sunday, February 2nd, 11:30-3pm.
Marriage Retreat 2025! Save the date! The 2025 Marriage Retreat will be March 21-23.
Sunday Morning Bible Study. Begins at 8:45 in the Fellowship Hall and will be a continuation of Paul’s love letters to the church resuming in 1 Corinthians. (Join in the fellowship, coffee, and study. Bring your Bible.)
DRIVERS WANTED - We are looking for volunteers able to drive people to & from church on Sunday mornings. If interested, please contact Jennifer Frederick at 218-969-9269.
PRAYER FOR PRODIGALS - Tuesdays, at 6:30 PM at 2802 5th Ave. W. The group will be solely focused on storming the heavens and engaging in Spiritual warfare for prodigals. The meeting will last 1 hour and end at 7:30 PM. Anyone passionate about praying for their prodigals is welcome!
MEN’S PRAYER - Tuesday evenings at 6:30-7:30 PM in the foyer. All men are welcome!
Meets on Thursdays at 6-8 PM in the Family Life Center